What a classic way to start a blog post. I almost feel old with this title, but as everyone I have recently asked for advice has reminded me – I am exceptionally young. I don’t feel very young though. I feel like I have gone through a lot of life but I know that they are right and I haven’t at all.
Unlike when I was younger, I feel like the older I grow up the less I know and the less sure I am about everything and everyone. It’s a strange feeling to experience more of the world but realise you know even less every time. What catapulted this feeling was my break up with my very best friend, my rock for the last three years of my life, someone I loved so deeply (to the extent that you can love at 20). I truly believed that this would be it forever. Your best friend turned lover is the most romantic love story that can be, and l am a hopeless romantic.
Yet, at the very same time that I desperately wanted to be with my best friend, I knew a part of my soul wasn’t ready. I spent a majority of the last four years of my life chasing happiness through romantic partners and deriving my value through them. I knew this was a problem when we started seeing each other but I was too blindly in love and in denial to follow through with I wanted. Not only was I afraid to lose someone I loved but I was afraid to trust myself. And here I am, half a year later, in pain but given the wonderful opportunity to finally do so.
So I thank my lover for the love he has shown me and I thank him for setting me free.
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